Monday, 17 September 2007

Some tips!

Everyone is an expert at something: Whatever your expertise,
whether it’s fly fishing, yoga, parenting, knitting, sales, or customer
service, you have something to teach others who know less than
you do.
The Internet is a powerful venue for reaching customers: Learn
to maximize your reach in order to run an efficient and profitable

Marketing is an investment in your business: Rare is the business
that succeeds without marketing. Try a variety of strategies and repeat
the ones that work best.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions: Nobody has all the answers and
most people are willing to help. Just ask!

✔ Invest in other people’s information products: Not only will you
have the chance to learn something new, but you can evaluate the
content and begin to understand the formula for success. It’s also
good karma to support people whose work you admire.

✔ Persevere: This is my favorite word in the English language. There
will be days when you feel as if you are spinning your wheels for
nothing. But eventually, with enough effort, something magical
happens. It all starts to come together.

Never stop learning: I don’t care what industry you are in. Things
change. Rules change. People change. Stay on top of your area
of expertise. Learn about new technology. Remember how much
fun it can be to learn something new and how rewarding it is to

Source: Chandler, Stephanie(2007), From entrepreneur to infopreneur, John Wiley & Sons.