Benazir Bhutto: Victim of her game in Afghanistan?
It was during Bhutto's rule that the Taliban gained prominence in Afghanistan. She viewed the Taliban as a group that could stabilize Afghanistan and enable trade access to the Central Asian republics, according to author Stephen Coll.[1] He claims that her government provided military and financial support for the Taliban, even sending a small unit of the Pakistani army into Afghanistan.More recently, she took an anti-Taliban stance, and condemned terrorist acts allegedly committed by the Taliban and their supporters...
However, it was a bit late! infants of terror under her system care became a monster out of control. Read the updated text of her life in wikipedia: click here.
1: S. Coll, "Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001", Penguin Press HC, U.S. 2004.