University of Oxford Announcement
University of Oxford issued a statement about the claimed PhD of Iran Interior Minister, Ali Kordan. Ali Kordan a new appointed Minster claimed that he has a PhD in Law from Oxford University. This claim undermined by an online news agency ( which manage by Tavakoli a parliament member in Iran. In response to these critiques, Ali Larijani, the president of Iranian parliament has asked the education commission to investigate the validity of Kordan's PhD.
Here you can see the response of Oxford Uni.
PhD certificate of New Iran Interior Minister
Recently Iranian Parliament voted for suggested candidate for Interior Minister by President Ahmadinejad. Alef News Agency has initiated a hot debate about the validity of Mr. Ali Kordan PhD certificate from the University of Oxford. You can also see here this unusual certificate. I quote the idea of one of my English friend about this PhD certificate.
"...OK, regarding your query on that certificate - I see that somebody has already pointed out the unusual (i.e. incorrect) spacing between some of the words and the (in their opinion) incorrect use of commas throughout the document. I agree with the correction of "intitle" (it should be "entitle") and that its positioning is odd. In my opinion, there should be a comma after "Bryant" in that first paragraph, though it seems to me that the first paragraph does not read correctly anyway. If it was written: "According to the suggestion and the attestation of Professor Bryant, a faculty of the college of law of Oxford University..." it would not make sense anyway, as it implies that Professor Bryant IS a faculty of the college, while in fact he is a MEMBER of the faculty. In short, it all seems a bit of a mess.
Having said that, I have never seen a PhD certificate from the University of Oxford and I can imagine that it is possible that there are some unusual conventions (!) and it is not impossible that there might be archaic spellings and other random irregularities!! So I would not be able to claim that this is a fake, but it certainly looks suspicious.
I can't understand why they didn't just edit a scanned certificate of copy of a certificate in Photoshop - this would have been a whole lot more convincing!"

Vulture & Child : The sad story of poverty

Many of you have seen this sad real photo, apart from a general clear message which this photo tell us about the terrible inequality and poverty in our planet, the special stroy of taking this photo may be also interesting to know.
The haunting photo of a vulture stalking an emaciated Sudanese girl who'd collapsed on her way to a feeding station won photographer Kevin Carter a Pulitzer Prize in 1994. Carter also become notorious for sticking to the journalistic principle of being an observor and not getting involved -- he left after taking his photo and neither he, nor the New York Times, which first published the photo on 26 March 1993, knew what happened to her. (Looking at the photo, it's hard to imagine a pleasant ending.) A few months later after collecting his Pulitzer, Carter committed suicide, the violence he'd encountered in his life as a journalist, especially in South Africa, becoming too much to live with.
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