Shadow Economy & Corruption : Invisible Hands
Monday, 15 December 2008
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.(Eleanor Roosevelt) ...and I belive to the beauty of World without Corruption.
About Me
- Name: Mohammad Reza Farzanegan
- Location: Dresden, Germany
PhD in Economics at the Faculty of Business and Economics, Chiar of Public Economics,TU Dresden, Germany.

- Data on Development economics
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- Iran Economy Data (Persian)
- Iran Economic Time Series (English)
- Central Bank of Iran-Data (English)
- Shadow Economy in Iran(Persian)
- Esmael Farzanegan
- 1984(Persian)
- Red Penns(Persian)
- Practical Tips for Visitors of IRAN-(English)
- Political Structure of IRAN-(English)
- KelkSina(Persian)
- Resource Curse(Persian)
- Katalaksi(Persian)
- Ahriman(Persian)
- Data Envelopment Analysis
Previous Posts
- My PhD defence, 14 July 2009
- Iran Presidential Election
- End of Ahmadinejad populism is coming!
- In press: Illegal trade in the Iranian economy: Ev...
- Corruption in Russia
- " The effects of oil price shocks on the Iranian e...
- Alef website filtered!
- University of Oxford Announcement
- Corruption in Education
- PhD certificate of New Iran Interior Minister
- January 2007
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